soMethinG CrossinG My Mind: CSI class

CSI class

as usual, every thursday we'll have forensic's clss with pak mid..he was formerly a chief of forensic a.k.a CSI m'sia...those pics were e pics tht we captured during our clss..our topic on tht day was crime scne investigation=hw to pick up the evidences at scene...

our pak mid

crime weapon==slug@ bullet

++crime scen tape was wrongly used++

csi's attire

sddnly, die appears..


NaNaBdKbaiK ♥♥ said...

skandal ngan pak mid ke??? said...

huhu...xlr, die mmg cmni, hepi je manjang...
if laki, die panggil yeop, pmpuan die panggil yong..
die best sgt...

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