soMethinG CrossinG My Mind: not my luck, maybe?

not my luck, maybe?

hi peeps! sihat?
actually, aku yg xsht arini..
cm bese, skin allergic..dammit!
tpksa skip clss ptg..mne tak nyer,
xselesa dibuatny..
got m.c...wahhh...1st tme sejak aku smbg LL.B ni aku diberi cuti..
suke nyr..

erm...actly, aku nk cite prob aku...
aku di pggil tuk interview jumaat ni...
one of e biggest law firm kt msia ni..
try google zain n co.. , nnti korg jumpe lr psl firm tu..
aku frust coz jumaat lst week die cl, n aku ckp " i'm only free on nxt friday",
but on tht day, mr. yunus nk wat test evidence lak...if stakat test bm, i dun mind..
n 1 more thing, all certificates left in melaka...
so,,,,how?? of course lr aku xmmpu nk g... dieorg cl, but aku de cls ngn prof. rajes...
then, dieorg email kat aku n bgtau friday morning shld be my intrview..
xpe lr, aku rse tpkse decline lr this interview..
lgpun aku dpt rse firm ni pny expectation t'lalu tinggi..
myb xde rezeki kot..
erm..yg wat best nyr, one of their partner is handling wif Anwar ibrahim's case..
tu yg wat aku excited tu..

but, xpe is not my luck..
at e 1st instance, aku pun juz pk nk wt chmbering kt mlk je..
but, if there is good offer, aku still ble consider...
mdm azlina, lectrer coprate de bg suggestion tuk aku wat kt ex-firm die..
but, tu sume civil , convey...
aku lbh prefer criminal...huhu..

demanndddd lr ko ni azahh!
of course i am!
dh tu yg aku minat...nk wat cmne...

but, i'm just worried..if i hv to decline this, wll there is another good offer for me?
what if no more offer? sure sdih kn?
xpe lr, what will be, will be...

xpelr, for zico pny intrview nnti aku nk make sure aku dpt..
dieorg bru je call suruh 4ward certificates,bkn call nk bgtau rslt..
nape perlu interview? leceh lr, nk kne set mse lg...
cls ngn papa rajes dh m'bebankn aku...nk skip, takutt...

ok lr,,,nk wat assignment yg xsiap lg..
tke care guys!


nota kaki: 4 months more before i'm start to read in chamberss!


Lina Chan said...

conveyancing xla teruk mane..ok gak azah.timba pengalaman..ingat xaku penah praktikal kat law firm?heheh ;p

pape pon gud luck kay! said...

alalalalala lina...
aku dh serik ngn convey....
xtdo aku tau nk siapkn fail convey...
nk ngadap for nine months, pnt lr..

if mcm2 dept., ok gak, ble tukar2...
haa...ko de suggestion x firm mne yg best?

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