soMethinG CrossinG My Mind: ◕‿‿◕


hi peeps!

no news to update..lately, i was little bit busy with my assignments and next week, i'll have 2 tests.

erm..i think, it is too late to say that i really enjoy watching movie titled~~a walk to remember..hehe...

u'll not satisfied if juz watching it for once or twice..take my word, u will always replay this kinda of movie..

even it is ended sadly, n will mke u cry again n again, u'll still luv watch this...serious, best!

i'm so into landon clarke a.k.a shane west...

nota kaki: so envy with their luv..everlasting luv...


NaNaBdKbaiK ♥♥ said...

citer ni dah lama dah ak tengok...
prnh bg ko dl...
ko x prasan kot...
tp citer moment to be ak suke
yg korea tu...nak nangis jekeje ak... said...

tau xpe...
dh 7taun dh..
dlu xminat tgk movie lr...

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